Industry 4.0 EN

From today to tomorrow

Industry 4.0 EN

From today to tomorrow

Compliant with Industry 4.0

Compliant with Industry 4.0

We believe in change, in the evolution that leads to innovation and creates new visions of the future. That’s the reason why MPE is committed to renewing its machinery and improving the production process making it more ecological, faster and in accordance with the standards of the Industry 4.0 paradigm.


The necessary investment is supported by the co-financing of the European Union within the POR FESR 2014-2020, Priority Axis III in order to "Promote the competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises", action III.3.c.1.1 (Aid for investments in machinery, plants and intangible assets, and support of corporate reorganization and restructuring processes), through tender by Regione Lombardia "AL VIA - Agevolazioni lombarde per la valorizzazione degli investimenti aziendali”.
